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Showing posts from January, 2016

Floodgates and Hearts

You know how I would describe my heart? Like a floodgate. A floodgate that, once opened, doesn't stop until everything is out on the table. Like when I feel joy, I feel it until tears fall down my face. When I feel pain, I feel it until all I know is pain. When I feel anxious, all I feel are anxious thoughts instantly flooding to my mind and when I love, I love to my fullest. Maybe that makes me sound like one big emotional goon, but regardless its true. Once I consciously open my heart, suddenly my hidden walls are bashed down and out flow my deepest thoughts, insecurities and realities that I normally just push to the side. Now you, my dear reader, could probably care less to know that but in order for you to process where my thoughts have been, that part of who I am is important to remember.  I've realized that as much as this blog is for keeping my friends and family up to date, it's also very much for myself. In some ways, this blog is becoming like a public journal ...