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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Work of A Soul Day

Today’s a “Kayla Soul day”.  Which means it’s a sleep in late, read your Bible in bed, go for a long walk to have some sweet talks with Jesus, skip the makeup and wear your favorite hat, dream about the very business that you own, ask God to teach you more about yourself and rest in knowing his promises are real, all before noon kinda day. Sounds sweet, right? I highly recommend them.  Anyway, on my walk with Jesus a few things happened and I really feel it placed on my heart to share. There's a couple things you, as my reader, should know before I share these things. First of all, I am currently in counseling. I've known I was going to blog about this in the near future but I wasn't sure when or how, but I think it's important to share today. I've only been going for two weeks now but it turns out to be the best thing I've ever done. Hands down. Side note: this is slightly ironic because when my dad first suggested the idea I freaked out. Like 3 year o